through the Rose Quarter.
Think they should? Attend
a meeting about it Thursday.
(Photo © J. Maus)
[Note from Publisher: Welcome to The Advocacy Roundup, a list of transportation planning and policy events in the Portland area this week. It was put together by uber-activist and Active Right of Way volunteer Ted Buehler. I hope to publish something similar every Monday or Tuesday from here on out. The goal is to get more people involved in plans, policies, and decisions that impact our transportation system. Drop me a line with any feedback or event suggestions. Thanks — Jonathan Maus]
Tuesday, September 27th
Public Open House for the 2011 Transportation System Plan Technical Amendment
The City’s Transportation System Plan TSP is Portland’s master plan for transportation. It is amended every few years, and on this go-round the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 will be incorporated into the overall plan. Open House in at City Hall, 1121 SW 5th Ave, Lovejoy Room from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Clark County Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Earlier this year the Clark County Bicycle Committee was disbanded and replaced with a Bike/Ped Committee. The new committee has a broader mandate, and will be less oriented towards recreational road riding. This month’s agenda includes the “Preserve Our Buses” Campaign, the Aging Readiness Plan, and a Complete Streets Update. Serving on these committees takes a lot of dedication, and the committee members are always pleased to see the public in attendance. 6:00 – 8:00 pm Clark County Community Health Building, 1601 E. Fourth Plain Boulevard, Room 210, Vancouver.
Wednesday, September 28th
Petition for fair transfers at the Trimet Board Meeting.
OPAL/Bus Riders Unite is mobilizing a grass roots effort to petition Trimet for “fair transfers”. Currently, transfers are only good for 2 hours (MAX) or 1 hour after the end of the route (buses). OPAL is proposing a 3 hour transfer, and an all-night transfer after 7:00 pm. More details on the “Campaign for a Fair Transfer” here. Attend the Trimet board meeting to show your support for this proposal at 8:00 – 11:00 am, Portland Building (1021 SE 5th Ave). Note that OPAL is one of the few grassroots transportation groups in Portland that actively mobilizes their constituents on a regular basis. The bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups could learn from their phonebanking and other techniques.
NECN Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting
The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Land Use and Transportation Subcommittee is having their monthly meeting. The transportation component of the agenda is light this month, but includes a Klickitat Greenway update and a N Williams Corridor update at 8:10. The meeting is from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the NECN offices at 4815 NE 7th Avenue (2 blocks south of Alberta).
Thursday, September 29th
PBOT Lloyd District Bikeway Development – Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
This will be an important meeting to review new concepts for bikeways on NE Holladay St and on the NE 12th Ave Overcrossing. Meeting is from 8:00 – 10:00 am at 700 NE Multnomah 3rd Floor Conference Room. More details here.
50s Bikeway Plan goes to City Council
The 50s Bikeway is a combination of bike lanes and neighborhood greenways creating a north-south route in the 50s Avenues. Do you want to see this happen? Come and speak up! You can also email the mayor and council to share your feelings. Hearing starts at 2pm, council chambers, City Hall, 1121 SW 5th Ave. Official announcement “http://www.portlandonline.com/transportation/index.cfm?c=53345″ >here and Mayor Adams’ press conference from last week is here
N/NE Quadrant Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
The N/NE Quadrant plan is a widening of I-5 to 6 lanes through the Rose Quarter and a likely relocation of the Flint Ave overpass. If you want to hear what the people on the committee have to say about the various options, and comment on behalf of the importance of bicycle infrastructure, the meeting is open to the public. Committee Agenda is terse and cryptic but you can read more about the N/NE Quadrant plan here. No time or location given for the meeting, call for more info.
BTA Strategic Plan on Tour
Join the Bicycle Transportation Alliance as they share insights from their newly released Strategic Plan. This event is from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Max’s Fanno Creek Brew Pub (12562 SW Main Street, Tigard).
PSU/PBOT’s Traffic and Transportation Class
Every year the city and university team up to educate Portland residents on how they can be active and effective participants in the transportation system. The class has about 35 seats, and is well populated with a diverse group of citizens who have transportation issues to resolve. The class is led by long-term transportation leader Rick Gustafson (now President of Portland Streetcar) and has guest presenters from PBOT, Metro, ODOT and other areas of government. You may still be able to get a seat, or visit the class on the first day to whet your interest for enrolling in future years. 6:40 – 8:40 pm, Urban Center, Distance Learning Center room 204 (SE 4th and Mill).
Friday, September 30th
Emerging Trends in Developing and Implementing Bicycle Master Plans – The Seattle Example
The PSU Center for Transportation Studies Friday Seminar series starts out with a discussion of Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan with consultant Peter Lagerwey of Toole Design. Room 204 of the Distance Learning Wing of PSU’s Urban Center, SW 4th and Mill, 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Read the full abstract here and see other upcoming seminars on their calender.
Saturday, October 1st
Great Organizations that make Portland a Sustainable City Tour
This weeks’ ride in Portland By Cycle’s fall ride series will be a tour of local nonprofits. The ride series is called “Reduce, Reuse, Bicycle”. The rides, an extension of the popular summer season rides, are promoted as “bike rides to help you enjoy riding in all weather.” 10:00 am to noon, Irving Park, NE 7th and Fremont.
Be the squeaky wheel!