Year: 2010
Brand: Diamondback
Model: Podium (DB Racing)
Color:White with black lettering
Serial: U93K74143
Stolen in Portland, OR
Stolen From: NW 21st and Hoyt
Owner: Erik Baylor
Reward: A sincere thank you
Description: It was white with black lettering. It had three stickers on it. One blue and red skull with a lightning bolt in it, a white and black “New Model Army” sticker, and a purple and white sticker that said “God Bless The Freaks”. It had a front bag attached to the handlebars that carried spared tire tubes, bungy chords, and tire changing tools. It also had a rack on the back that was attached to the seat post.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 1159879
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
White with black lettering Diamondback Podium (DB Racing) 2010