Year: 2009
Brand: Novara
Model: Corsa
Stolen in Portland, OR 97201
Stolen From: Bicycle and helmet were locked with cable lock to bicycle parking post on east side of SW 12th St. between Main St. and Salmon St. Incident occurred between noon and 1830. No evidence of bicycle, helmet, or lock remained at scene.
Neighborhood: Downtown
Owner: Clouser Wil
Description: At the time of disappearance bike had motion activated green flashing tire valve caps, an orange slap bracelet around the handlebars, and a "Firefox" cuff around the upper frame. There is a small rip on the back right of the seat.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 11-153320
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Green Novara Corsa 2009