Ride leader/reporter: Carye Bye
Ride Date: June 15, 2011
How many people showed up? 26
A ride about visiting the interesting and unusual businesses, art, and local features of outer NE Portland (Parkrose, etc).
We (25+ bicyclists) started at Fairley’s Pharmacy Soda Fountain, headed east down Sandy Blvd stopping at the ‘Sandy Jug’ (Now Pirates Cove Strip Club) for a group photo before stepping into “Ed’s House of Gems”.
We left Sandy to visit the Bingo-Totem hotspot off Prescott & 87th. Then down the 205 Bike Path to Pioneer Cemetery #1, Followed by a visit to a Fortune Cookie Factory and then a Germany Bakery! Then down Sandy.. where we get a bike lane past 105th to another Pioneer Cemetery at 122nd, Next to Kmart.
We then biked around the unused section of the Massive Kmart parking lot before meeting up with Sharon and Joanne at Parkrose Highschool. Sharon told us about the Labyrinth project and Joanne told us about the History of Horses Mural and brought us delicious russian candy from a nearby shop! Across the street from the H.S. is the remains of the Rossi Farm which closed a few years back. Joe Rossi is active in the community and working to get an immigrant statue put in the Parkrose triangle next to Cemetery #1.
On our way back, we rode through the City of Maywood, an actual separate city from Portland that has its own Mayor. Lastly we stopped near the BMX bike park behind the Grotto which isn’t really sanctioned.. but still there! Five of us continued on to the Cully Bar Crawl Start.
— This is part of our ongoing coverage of the the 2011 Pedalpalooza, which runs through June 26th. View the full calendar at ShiftoBikes.org.