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Animation gives front row seat to Williams Ave traffic issues

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Screenshot from a new animation by Fat Pencil Studio (subconsultant to Alta Planning + Design) that gives everyone a chance to understand the project options and traffic issues on North Williams Avenue.
— Watch it below —

In our ongoing effort to smarten you up as much as possible about N. Williams Avenue (given the impending, very important project that could make it the best bikeway in the entire city), I present to you below a new animation by Fat Pencil Studio (a subconsultant to Alta Planning on the project).

The animation was created for the City of Portland and Williams Avenue project consultants and was shown to the public at the open house last Saturday. It takes you on a 3D flyover of Williams, stopping to visually explain certain roadway treatments. It does a marvelous job showing how some of the proposed bikeway type options look from the perspective of all road users.

Take a look below and stay tuned for more coverage of this project.

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