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Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee April meeting agenda

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The meeting is on April 12th at 6:00 pm in the Lovejoy Room at City Hall. The agenda is below…

Meet the Director
Tom Miller, recently appointed Director of the Bureau of Transportation, will fully take the reins on May 1st. Tom will discuss the opportunities offered to Portland by bicycle transportation and this thoughts about funding the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. This will be a far-ranging discussion with plenty of opportunity for questions and response.

Bikeway Development Projects
Dan Layden, Capital Program Manager for PBOT will present on a cluster of capital projects intended to improve conditions on several bikeways identified in the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 as “Major City Bikeways,” as well as other innovative treatments, including a two-way Holladay Street. Dan will brief the committee on progress to date. This will give the committee an opportunity to weigh in on these first projects intended to significantly upgrade long stretches of existing bikeways to conditions envisioned in the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. Project pages are on line here: and here:

Event Bicycle Parking
Sarah Figliozzi from PBOT will discuss the city’s efforts to provide event bicycle parking. She will present as a model the city’s efforts with the Timber’s. At their opening game up to 500 bicycle parking spaces will be provided.

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