Last night was a gorgeous night to be on a bicycle. It was clear and cold with a few interesting clouds. While I was headed home from downtown to North Portland after a long day, I looked up and spotted a massive moon rising up. As I rolled north on Naito Parkway I watched it from the corner of my eye. As I came to Waterfront Park near the Steel Bridge, the moon’s reflection blurred in the Willamette and people on bikes rode by under its gaze. I’d had a long day and I was tired (and I was already late getting home!), but I couldn’t resist stopping one last time to try and capture the moment with my camera…

I know that folks who did the Werewolf Hustle (Facebook link) — a ride that happens every full moon — had a memorable jaunt up to Council Crest. Did you get a chance to be on your bike last night? How was your ride home under that amazing moon?