Year: about 2001
Brand: Kick Bike
Model: Full Adult Size
Size:Adult size
Stolen in Portland, OR 97206
Stolen From: 53rd and East Burnside.
Neighborhood: not sure
Owner: Brandon Solomon
Description: Yellow “Kick Bike” brand of two wheel kick bike. My bike has aluminum fenders, front and back. It has 27″ x 1″ front rim/tire, and 12″ x 1.5″ rim/tire. The back brake is missing, brake, cable, and right handle. I replaced the euro style tubes with standard American tubes (evident by the caps). Bike is extreemely light. It has some scratches but is in nice condition overall.
Police record with: Portland Police
Police reference#: 11-150702
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Yellow Kick Bike Full Adult Size about 2001