Year: 1972
Brand: Schwinn
Model: Varsity
Color:62/63 cm Brown
Stolen in 97233, OR
Stolen From: From garaged, 143rd and Morrison SE Portland
Owner: Dave Wingard
Reward: Sending another scumbag to jail
Description: Nearly perfect cond. brown Schwinn Varsity, has a cable actuated speedometer on right handlebar. All original so derailleurs would all say Schwinn or Schwinnn approved. I didn’t write down the serial # but the second letter located on the lower part of the steerer tube should be an ‘F,G,H, or J’. These letter represent the year of manufature. I’m not certain what year it was made but if the desc. matches one of these letters, it’s probably a hot bike
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: T10008654
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
62/63 cm Brown Schwinn Varsity 1972