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Photos and recap from Be Seen Be Safe event

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Be Seen Be Safe event-24
The crowd watches the hi-vis fashion show.
-Slideshow below-
(Photos © J. Maus)

TriMet’s Be Seen Be Safe event last Friday was a good success. There was a healthy turnout and being in Pioneer Square helped it attract even more attention (which is, after all, the whole point). I was happy to see two local TV stations show up with cameras (thanks KGW and KATU).

The mood was festive and the message was made: If you’re going to use our roads, you should make sure you are visible to other road users.

While we can’t let public agencies (like TriMet, PBOT and ODOT) forget that they share a vital responsibility in making our roads safe through driving and engineering practices, I think increasing awareness of light use and “being seen” in general is an important part of the puzzle.

Friday’s event featured a high-visibility fashion show, a well-lit bike contest, and a group ride. See more photos below:

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