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Black Kona

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Brand: Kona
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: 722 East Burnside Street East, Portland, OR 97214
I left my large black Kona cabled to the bike racks just outside the back door of the Bossanova (on 800 East) after performing at the Bossanova – I’m an acrobat in the Wanderlust Circus. I left the venue after the show load-out at 2:00 am. The next morning I remembered I’d left my bike chained up. At 9:00 am I returned and found my bike lock there, cut.
Neighborhood: Near Bossanova Ballroom, just east of Burnside bridge
Owner: Scott Maxwell
Reward: $40
Description: Large black Kona with a white sticker on the handlebars with “Kazum” and a silhouette of an acrobatic pyramid of people. It also has front and rear lights attached that are a Planet Bike brand Superflash Blaze light set – I still have the box for the lights.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: T10006450
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike

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