Year: 2008
Brand: KONA
Model: JAKE
Size:62 cm
Serial: have it, will add it soon
Stolen in Portland, OR 97212
Stolen From: 3221 NE 33rd, near Fremont
Neighborhood: Grant Park/Fremont
Owner: Dean Terry
Description: Gumwall tires, Red/black handlebar tape, red/black seat, clipless pedals, Cat eye headlight, Planet Bike taillight, dual water bottle holders, Sellwood Cycle Repair sticker, Cat eye wireless computer with dead batteries, Blackburn pump, spare tube and in black pouch hanging from frame. Red pouch hanging from seat. My name is Dean 360-393-9617. $300 reward no questions asked for complete bike.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: Have it, will add soon
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Black KONA JAKE 2008