Reporter – Michelle Week
Ride Date – Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ride Description
Ride Report
Only 5 brave souls ventured to the pulp and paper land of Camas Tuesday.
The ride went off without a hitch and exposed some new riders to the old evergreen hwy. In Camas we stopped by Camas bikes (the only bike store in Camas), took a quick tour of the historic downtown area and stopped for coffee at piccolo paradisio before venturing back towards Portland. We also met up with one of the few bike commuters in Camas and learned a little bit about what it’s like to ride every day in a town of 17,000 where 80% of its residents drive single occupancy cars out of town to work.
We made great time and were headed back over I-205 forty minutes before “mocktails on the bridges” got set up. Only a slight disappointment given how gorgeously the weather held out for us.
Thanks for a great ride, thanks to BikePortland and the Mercury for publishing it, and hopefully the 5 person critical mass of Camas will expose more drivers to alternative transportation.