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Ride Report: Klunkers in Forest Park

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Reporter – David Meredith
Ride Date – Friday, June 18, 2010

Ride Report
had a total of 5 people show up with only one rider on a true modern mountain bike, the rest of us in full form were on fully rigid rides (and one road touring bike to boot!).
we met up at FTF and rode up Leif to Saltzman then to the top of Firelane 5, we rode down 5 back to Leif and back out. it was an awesome time. afterward we rode down to Bridgeport for pints and burgers and great conversation!

I am hoping to be able to do this ride again maybe even make a race out of it over the summer, maybe once a month at least!

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