Reporter Name – peejay fixie (ride leader)
Ride Date – Saturday, June 12, 2010
Photos – Excellently fun photos of this ride from noterminal on Flickr.
As it was the first Pedalpalooza event I led, the ride was a blast. We started at OMSI parking lot, and spent about a half hour getting everyone’s photos in. Then we went up through Ladds Addition, into the alleys (for the trench run, complete with X-wing) up to Movie Madness to see the real Yoda and Darth mask in that great video store. A run across the river at warp speed, and a well-cheered loop of downtown, followed by a fuel stop at the Hawthorne carts (while the cantina theme played on the sound system). The food vendors held a costume contest for us, and people gave us dilithium crystals in convenient 12 oz cans.
We will do this next year, with some improvements: chief communications officer to tweet current location; more official costume/bike constest; and fights — light sabres vs phasers, photon torpedoes vs the death star.