Reporter – the dude
Ride Date – Sunday, June 13, 2010
This year’s dude ride was a little less involved than previous incarnations that featured intermediate activities, but i’d like to think the ending was much sweeter. we met up in costume (bathrobes and bathing suits abounded) in woodlawn park where white russians were drunk and there was a funny smell in the air as hoops were hula’d and frisbees tossed. we rode, about 45 strong through a scant mile over to peninsula park, where a reading of The Two Gentlemen Of Lebowski was put on for a very appreciative audience.
for an added bikey kick, the backdrop for the reading was the multi-use path thru peninsula park so we watched a family trike around and many folks bike past behind the knave (aka the dude) and friends.
another performance of the reading (sans bike ride, but you should still ride there if you’re attending!) will take place at 3:30 pm on saturday the 19th in laurelhurst park!