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World Naked Bike Ride needs volunteers

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

This just in, from WNBR crew:

Here is an update of what we need in terms of personhood to make WNBR happen. We’ve had a lot of response, for which we are grateful, but a little extra push is needed to ensure that this event can happen. PLEASE help our fair city get naked, and on bikes.

And why do it alone? Bring a friend! Have a ball! Make instant friends and charm the pants off of them! More the merrier, so if there’s a shift you’re eying and a friend you want to share it with, fear not the numero uno! Two is better than one (usually).

Kindly email with your:

  • name
  • email
  • phone number
  • shift preference. We’ve still got about 30 volunteer shifts to fill, so don’t be shy. There’s a shift for you, all ye of Shift.

Thank you very much for considering spending some time with us and others who are willing and thrilled to go “Bare As You Dare” in the name of bike affection.

Set-Up (Help unload and set up bag check area, decorations, other equipment) – 10a-3p Saturday
3 volunteers needed. Daytime, low stress, can ride

Clean-up, night of (Pack up valuable equipment, remaining bags left at bag check) – 11p-12a Saturday
1 volunteer needed. Short shift, can ride
Clean-up, day after (Pick up containers, take down decorations, make the place prettier than it was before; seedballs optional) – 11a-2p Sunday
2 volunteers needed. Daytime, low stress, can ride

Security, day of (Make sure no one carts off with stuff. Bring a friend, read a book, have a picnic) – 3p-8p Saturday
1 volunteer needed. Extremely low stress, can ride
Security, evening of (Provide info, make sure no one is doing anything very illegal or dumb, support paid security, monitor entry/exit of meet-up location) – 8:30p-11:30p Sat.
8 volunteers needed. Most can ride, be a crucial part of making this event happen.
NOTE: If you want to be part of the WNBR but don’t necessarily want to ride, this is a shift for you! Most can ride, but we want a few hanging back just to make sure all is well.

Bag Check, pre-ride (Take bags) 9p-10p Saturday
3 volunteers needed. Can ride, short shift.
Bag Check, ride (Preside over bags during ride, be there for any riders who peel off early) – 10p-11:30p Saturday
1 volunteer needed. Super-chill shift.
NOTE: If you want to be involved with the ride but don’t necessarily want to ride yourself, this is the shift for you! Consider two bag shifts, and we’ll find you a prize for being awesome.
Bag Check, post-ride (Give bags back to the nude multitudes) – 11p-12:30a Saturday
4 volunteers needed. Can ride, short shift.

Bike Parking (Watch over bikes) – 8:30p-10p Saturday
1 volunteer needed. Can ride, get to spend some time with some great bikes.

Thanks so much, all volunteers who have pledged and those yet to come!

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