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Oregon Bike Summit: Who’s here? (Part Two)

As promised, here’s the second installment of portraits and a bit of information on the advocates here at the Oregon Bike Summit

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-39
Kirsten Kaufman, the Bike Realtor.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-40
Christopher Boyce, The Bicycle Chiropractor.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-38
Tanja Beer, an intern with Portland Bicycle Tours.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-37
Jay Graves, owner of Bike Gallery, member of Oregon State Parks Commission and one of the most dedicated bike advocates in the country.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-36

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-35

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-34

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-33
Lynn Weigand (L) and Jennifer Dill, bike researchers with the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium at Portland State University.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-32
Alison Graves, executive director Community Cycling Center.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-31
Michelle Poyourow, advocate (formerly with BTA)

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-22
Kris Schamp, Northwest Trail Alliance and Portland Racing.

Oregon Bike Summit 2010-23
Tim Blumenthal, executive director Bikes Belong.

Wish I had more time to share more bio details on all these wonderful people. Suffice it to say, these are just some of the folks working to help make Oregon (and America) a great place to bike.

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