Year: 93=95??
Brand: Cannondale
Model: 26 inch wheels aluminum
Size:for women 5’7
Stolen in Portland, OR 97217
Stolen From: My house is on the bike boulevard at N. Williams and Jessup.
Neighborhood: North Portland Piedmont neighborhood. .Killingsworth and Williams area
Owner: Paige Common
Reward: We’ll figure that out when the time comes…
Description: My bike has neon green road bike handle bars with a white aluminum frame. I also have a few animal rights stickers on the frame, “chickens are not for nuggets,” “elephants are not for zoos”…etc. My back light is a big yellow triangle which is attached to my rear rack.
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike
white Cannondale 26 inch wheels aluminum 93=95??