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100 miles on a tall bike

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I wanted to do this story before Saturday’s Reach the Beach (a 100 mile ride that goes from Portland to the coast), but I figured it was still worth sharing…

Meet Team JetStream, a group of fun-loving folks who did the entire Reach the Beach ride on tall bikes:

Team JetStream just before launch.
(Photo: Jack-Olsen/Flickr)

(Photo: Gabriel Amadeus/Flickr)

Apparently, a few guys that did it on unicycles last year were looking for a different kind of challenge. According to Portlander Tad Bamford, they all finished the ride but not without egos bruised “because we only beat the unicyclist by 15 min.”

Another member of Team JetStream, Gabriel Tiller, spent weeks building up and modifying his tall bike just for the occassion. Check it out:

Very nice work and congratulations to all Team JetStream members. So, what will you ride next year? Pennyfarthings perhaps?

Learn more about tall bikes in the current issue of Momentum Magazine in an article written by Portlander Mykle Hansen (who is second from the front in the JetStream peloton photo!).

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