Exciting news from the Northwest Trail Alliance: On Sunday, February 28th they’ll host the Portland Bike Swap Meet at Sandbox Studios (same place we had BikeCraft) in Northeast Portland.
Here’s a blurb from the event announcement:
Got some great bike stuff to sell? Or are you looking to find the best deals on bike related merchandise?
From the smallest bike parts to some vintage high-end bikes, you’ll find it at Northwest Trail Alliance’s annual Portland Bike Swap Meet, the largest bicycle-focused swap meet in the Portland area!
– All types of bikes: road, mountain, cross, commuter, BMX, kids bikes,… heck, even unicycles!
– Find bike parts, bike components, full bikes, bike crafts, and more.
– Enter our raffle and win an admission to Mountain Bike Oregon and other awesome prizes!
– Play on our skills park or chill with a coffee while striking up a conversation with fellow riders.
– Attend free workshops on basic bike maintenance and flat repair by Tori Bortman of Gracie’s Wrench.

100% of proceeds from this event ($5 admission for earlybirds, $2 after first hour) go to NWTA’s excellent and important work. Be there!
- Portland Bike Swap Meet
Sunday, February 28th, 10:00a – 3:00p
Sandbox Studios (420 NE 9th Avenue)
10 AM – 11 AM: $5.00
11 AM – 2 PM: $2.00
2 PM – 3 PM: FREE
under 16: FREE
For more information, visit nw-trail.org/swapmeet or contact Amy Singmaster via email at amy@nw-trail.org.