Year: ?
Brand: Nishiki
Model: Sebring
Size:24 in?
Serial: G0483 3577627
Stolen in Portland, OR 97232
Stolen From: It was stolen from inside my apartment building, which is only a 4 plex. On the top floor. You need a key in order to get into the building and up the stairs. The building is the red stucco building on NE 24th & Hoyy, off of Sandy Blvd.
Neighborhood: NE/Laurelhurst/Kerns
Owner: Leah Bonaduce
Description: It had the straight handle bars, not the touring kind. It was in really good condition. Went missing from inside my apartment building sometime wednesday night or early thursday. There was a lock holder for a kryptonite lock under the seat area.
Police record with: 09113094
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Red Nishiki Sebring ?