(Photos © J. Maus)
Better late than never, here are your weekend bike events!
Friday, November 6
6:00pm: Vegan Dinner Ride
Meet under the brick shelter at Col. Summers Park (SE 19th and Taylor) and ride to eat delicious vegan food. Post-party ride heads to the grand opening (including yet more vegan food, drinks, and raffle prizes) of a new vegan belt shop on Alberta.
6:00pm: Circusesque: A Splendorific Art Gallery Ride
Billed as “A stilt-walking, aerial art, music, visual art, dance, theatrics, performance, illusions, glitter and imagination extravaganza,” this three mile ride heads from 2950 NE Oregon to the Splendorporium Art Gallery for a free event led by Halley the Harper. Fancy dress encouraged, whatever that means to you.
Saturday, November 7
8:45am: Bike Camping at Alder Flat *Canceled due to weather*
This really is the last Cycle Wild camping trip of the season!
5:00pm: Ride to Remember Rob Williams
Rob was a popular local triathlete and bicycle racer (with Veloce Cycling Team) who took his own life after a long bout with bipolar depression on October 26th. This event will be a memorial procession from North Portland to downtown Portland.
7:00pm – 10:00pm: SSCXWC09 Opening Party
Get yourself lubed up for a full day of racing and costumery on Sunday. At the Oregon Manifest Bike Union, NW 10th and Hoyt.
1:00pm: Harvest Bike Move
Brian and Kristi are moving. Kristi is a vegan, gluten-free chef. This bike move includes a mouth watering menu. The train rolls out from 1450 SW Jefferson at 2:00pm.
4:00pm: Twilight Ride with the BTA
Join the BTA for a sunset ride to celebrate the new bike lights on the I-205 bike path. Gather at Lents Town Center/SE Foster Rd MAX Station (9451 SE Foster Road) for a short program followed by the ride.
Sunday, November 8
8:00am – 4:00pm: Cross Crusade Race #7
This one’s close to home at Portland International Raceway. Come to race and watch, and stay for more mayhem later on…
4:00pm – til it’s done: SSCXWC09
It’s the Single Speed Cyclocross World Championship and this is another fancy dress event, so long as a swamp monster in a gold bikini is your idea of fancy dress. Foam is promised again this year. Same place and crowd as Cross Crusade, but different registration — the events aren’t affiliated.