Here are BikePortland’s traffic stats from the month of September, 2009.
The most popular post of the month, after being noticed by news aggregator Fark, was our story about the beer-pouring, pizza-delivering, fully amplified Hopworksfiets built by local company Metrofiets.
Following in popularity on BikePortland in September (counted by page views using Google Analytics) was our post about the Flaming Lips’ open casting call for naked bikers. Then a report of the peaceful passing of a Cycle Oregon participant and an article about the new speed bumps installed in Riverview Cemetery.
Rounding out the top five was our exclusive unveiling of new local bike manufacturer, Cycle Works Oregon and their brand, Beloved.
Visits – 216,607
Average visit length – 02:33
Pages viewed – 4451,375
Front page stories posted – 106
Stolen Bike Listings – 95
Top Five Stories (In terms of pageviews analyzed by Google Analytics):
1. Introducing the Hopworksfiets: Beer, pizza, music and true Portland spirit, all on one bike
2. Naked bikers needed for Flaming Lips music video to be shot in Portland next week
3. Cycle Oregon participant dies during sleep in Grants Pass
4. New speed bumps on popular cemetery route: Necessarily dangerous?
5. New Portland company wants to build your ‘Beloved’ bike
Check out our past traffic stats and top stories here.