Year: 2008
Brand: diamondback
Model: edgewood
Serial: 08D0028126
Stolen in portland, OR 97209
Stolen From: It was locked together with my husband’s bike (same bike, same color, same everything but frame size) in our basement laundry room of our apartment building. We left for our honeymoon and returned to a cut lock on the pole the bikes were secured on.
Neighborhood: NW Portland, Irving ST
Owner: Lindsey Prange
Reward: none
Description: It is a 17″ hybrid bike with 26″ wheels. The front half of the bike is white with shocks on the front wheel. The back half of the bike is navy. Unfortunately there is no distinguishing features, it is stock.
Police record with: portland police
Police reference#: 0977846
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
white/navy diamondback edgewood 2008