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Bicycle and Streetcar Open Houses Throughout May

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

What: Bicycle and Streetcar Master Plan Open Houses.
The public is invited to help shape this transportation transformation at a series of six May open houses around the city to showcase the two long-range plans. Visit the open house event in your community to learn more about the City’s strategic investment in green transportation:

Where: See schedule for nearest location.

When: 4pm-7pm. At each event, you may drop in anytime between four and seven, and there will be brief remarks by a member of Mayor Adams’s staff at 6:00 p.m. There will be bicycle parking, light refreshments, and certified childcare in English and Spanish.

More Info:

For more information on the Bicycle Master Plan update, visit, e-mail bicyclemasterplan(at), or call 503-823-4638.

For more information on the Streetcar System Plan, visit, e-mail portlandstreetcarplan(at), or call 503-823-5611.

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