[Publisher’s note: We are trying to do a better job about sharing ride info. In the future, we’ll try and publish “This Weekend”, with a list of rides we’ve heard about, on Thursdays.]

(Photo © J. Maus)
It might be the dead of winter and chilly as heck outside, but that hasn’t stopped Portlanders from planning fun bike rides and events. And, given the heaviness of this week, having fun on a bike sounds like just what the doctor ordered.
Here are a few rides coming up (starting tonight) that have caught my eye.
Tonight (Friday, 1/23)
Freaky Friday
This is a monthly night ride hosted by the fine folks of North Freak Bike Club. The ride meets at 10:30 pm at Irving Park (NE 7th Ave and Fargo St) and then everyone will ride to a mystery location for freak bike jousting and assorted antics. In case you’re wondering, North Freak is “a collective for people who love freak bicycles, such as tall bikes, choppers, swing bikes, minibikes and anything else fun and creative you can think of.”
Saturday (1/24)

Sunnyside N’hood Tree Planting (By Bike!)
This year the Sunnyside Neighborhood Tree Planting will feature the first ever Bicycle Planting Crew. The crew will haul all trees, tools, stakes and other planting supplies by bicycle. The event will start at 8:30 am at the Sunnyside Methodist Church (SE Yamhill & 35th).

(Photo © J. Maus)
Sunday (1/25)
MUP’s (as in multi-use paths) of the SW
Hosted by the newly formed, Easy Riders, this ride will take you to some of the best bike paths in Southwest Portland. Ride is a 30-mile loop and leaves at 11:00 am from the Eastbank Esplanade.
Highlights of the ride will include; the Willamette Greenway, Riverview Cemetery, Terwilliger Trail, Kruse Way, Fanno Creek Trail and more (here’s a map of the route).
If I’ve left something out, feel free to add it in the comments below. Have fun out there!