out there.
(Photo © J. Maus)
After a morning snowfall, the Big Thaw seems imminent.
I just got off the streets and it’s nasty out there. On some major streets snow, there are big ruts from bus and car tire track bordered by icy, slushy, dirty snow. I’ve been taking the lane, but at times when it’s too uncomfortable (and I feel a car breathing down my neck), I try to move over, only to nearly slide out back into the passing car (lesson: hold your ground in the lane, but watch out for those manhole covers!).
On side streets, the packed snow is slippery and it’s tough to see where the good lines are. There are also concave tire ruts that will keep you on your toes.
Adding to these challenging conditions is the fact that no one seems to be heeding PBOT’s latest advisory to only take essential trips. I rode by Lloyd Center and the place was packed. Broadway looked like rush-hour as usual, and not everyone is driving as cautiously as they should.
And now, as I look out my window, the heavens have opened up again with some serious rainfall.
Yes, the next phase in this once-in-a-generation storm is the big meltdown. The streets will soon be rivers of slush and ice chunks for the next few days (hope you have some extra brake pads and a good set of fenders).
Although I think it’d be kind of fun to see what happens next (not really), I’m headed to California with my family for the holidays.
BikePortland.org will take a day or so off and then we’ll be posting stories and photos as per usual (actually, things won’t be completely normal until I get back to Portland after the New Year). After Christmas, I’m looking forward to taking a look back at 2008 with my annual “Year in Bikes” roundup and we’ve got some other interesting stories planned in the coming week.
Elly, Juli and I wish you and yours a festive and warm holiday!