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Weekend open thread: Bundle up and get out there!

Spotted today near the Rose Quarter; boots, a
dress, a denim jacket, and a purple Schwinn.
(Photos © J. Maus)

The good news is that it’s going to be a chilly, beautiful weekend.

There is no bad news.

Saturday from 11 to 3 is the annual PUMP Swap Meet. PUMP may be a mountain bike organization, but the swap meet caters to every kind of rider, whether you want an obscure kind of knobby tire, a sassy new bike t-shirt, or just a decent secondhand derailleur that won’t make your life a misery. It’s also a fun scene. Check it out.

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If you rode anywhere in the last week, you know full well that it’s time to stop procrastinating and put some fenders on your bike. Bike Farm is holding a workshop to help you weatherize your bike on Saturday from 5 to 7. The last hour will be devoted to helping you install fenders — bring your own or buy a set there.

Caleb Evenson was enjoying the
sun this afternoon near the Esplanade.

On Sunday at 11am, Shawn Granton will be leading his popular, inspiring, but sadly infrequent Dead Freeways Ride. His question: “What if Portland built all the freeways it planned?” Go along to marvel at the off-ramp to nowhere; stay for Shawn’s awesome knowledge of local history.

And as if that’s not enough for a winter weekend, on Sunday there’s a cross race.

The cross racers may not know it, but their competition is still going strong: Bike Polo at 2:30, and ZooBomb at 9:00, every Sunday.

This all sounds pretty good, but my only real plans so far are to check out the Little Red Bike Cafe for the first time (!) on Saturday, and then maybe head to the New Deal Distillery open house right next door to the office.

What’s on your plate this weekend?

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