Job Title
RiverFest coordinator
RiverFest committee
Job Description
Riverfest – currently scheduled for August or September 2009 – is the 2nd annual celebration of the Willamette Rivers importance to this region. Through a combination of new and existing events, Riverfest is a chance for attendees to get on and in the water, learn first-hand about the rivers history and environment, clean up the riverbank, and enjoy river spectacles. Existing events are produced independently by their organizers, with a branding tie to RiverFest, while new events are produced and managed by the Event Coordinator in conjunction with a small group of stakeholders making up the steering committee.
The 2008 event spanned a 10-day period in late August and early September. The 2009 event is expected to be shorter (4 or 5 days), but with a more focused, concentrated schedule. A summary of 2008 partners and events can be found at
The steering committee requests proposals from parties interested in coordinating this festival. The Event Coordinator is expected to take ownership of the project from beginning to end, working under the direction of the steering committee to make decisions, bring good ideas to fruition, and harness the unbridled enthusiasm of direct and indirect participants. The coordinator will manage day-to-day planning of the festival and have significant opportunity for creativity in the creation of the event, building on 2008 successes and tools already in place, including graphic identity, website, funders, and contacts.
The stated scope is large, and we realize that the right candidate may not possess skills and strengths in all areas. Thus, teams of individuals are also encouraged to apply, with the understanding that one individual will serve as the lead. Please identify those individuals with whom you plan to collude, and note their strengths.
Your proposal should include a cover letter, resume, and references in addition to requested compensation, which should be project-based (not hourly). Applicants may sub-contract work or apply as a team of individuals, but fee requirements should reflect total compensation. The steering committee estimates that 25 hours/week will be required, with 40 hours/week necessary for 4-6 weeks before the event, and an additional 20-40 hours after the event to gather statistics, hold evaluation meetings, thank sponsors, and write and distribute a final report. Upon completion of the 2009 contract, contract renewal for 2010 is possible.
Interested applicants should be prepared to accomplish the following:
– work with steering committee to identify potential expenses and create detailed budget
– develop fundraising plan with timeline and benchmarks
– approach funders and secure funding through grants, sponsorships, partnerships, donations, etc.
– set meeting schedules, distribute agendas, and distribute notes
– maintain contact lists and relationships with partners, funders, organizers, government entities, etc.
– provide monthly updates to the steering committee
– develop and manage production of collateral
– maintain email distribution lists
– oversee management of website []
– develop and distribute evaluation materials
– manage “core” and “helm” committees (different involvement of organizers)
– manage subcommittees (fundraising, educational outreach, parade, etc)
– manage volunteers
– build relationships with funders as well as the organizers of the constituent events, keeping all enthused about (and committed to) RiverFest
– tap steering committee members for individual expertise, contacts, internal resources, etc.
– develop and maintain project timeline
– develop process (with steering committee) for independent events to become part of RiverFest
– develop festival schedule
– work with individual event organizers to promote cohesion and efficiency
– identify and obtain all necessary permits
– be present at and/or responsive to, all events during festival
– identify and coordinate required infrastructure (tents, port-o-loos, staging, etc)
– integrate environmental responsibility throughout RiverFest, including sharing best practices with affiliated events
– formulate and conduct RFP for marketing partner
– convey benchmarks and budget to marketing partner
– oversee marketing partner in developing media/publicity strategy
– possess a working sense of humor
– enjoy the work you are doing (not all the time, but 90%)
– enjoy working with diverse segments of the community and promoting inclusion
– like kids, to a point
– place personal importance on sustainability (environmental and social)
– be comfortable taking a STRONG leadership role
1. fundraising plan
2. draft event schedule
3. fundraising report
4. marketing/media plan
5. final event schedule
6. final budget
7. final contact list
8. evaluation of event and suggestions for future
How to Apply
All application materials should be submitted by Nov. 5 to Questions about RiverFest or the application process should be directed to Jeff Henderson ( or 503-922-1589).
If your proposal is accepted for further review, you will be asked to attend a short interview with the steering committee during the week of Nov. 10. The chosen applicant(s) should expect to begin work soon thereafter.