TITLE: Vancouver BTA or Bike Alliance – organizing for advocacy in the
DATE: 23 April – Wednesday
TIME: 5.30 PM to 6.30PM
PLACE: Wallis Engineering, 215 West 4th St., Ste 200, Vancouver (2
blocks north of the I-5 bike trail head on Columbia)
BIKE PARKING: Racks and poles outside on Fourth Street/ Columbia and
inside on the ground floor bike parking area (limited space).
WHY: This is an initial social meeting to discuss how to advocate for a
bike friendly Vancouver, share stories, and access help from the BTA and
the Bicycle Alliance of Washington. All bicyclists and friends of
bicyclists are welcome.
– Pre-meeting social time (food)
– Welcome and Introductions
– Success and Failures for Bicycling Here
– Overview of advocacy resources in the region
– Gauging level of interest in organizing
– Next Steps
Our hosts Bob and Gill Wallis of Wallis Engineering will be providing
snacks and adult beverages for this social organizing meeting (thank
you!). Todd Boulanger will be facilitating and Chad Kays will be on hand
to help. For directions call: (360) 695-7041