11:11am, Brunch, 2248 SE Brooklyn St 97202
1:30pm, Minibikewinter 2008 Olympics, SE Water and Main, on the esplanade
Fastest minibike | minibike tag | relay | derby | bike limbo | Rollo | Death Jam | Derby | Sprockettes | Sproing | Jousting | Cupcake Challenge | and more!
9:00pm, Tour de Bomb, SW Oak & 10th, zoobomb pyle
Ride whatever the hell you want if you don’t want to race in the other cats. T. trophy, and…a $25 gift certificate to Bike Gallery!
if it’s welded, chopped, screwed, doesn’t fit in the 16″ class; & not a big bike, you can’t race it in open class, isn’t a gravity bike… or it is gravity bike but it’s too small or too big, low riders, tall bikes, trikes, choppers, swing bikes & assacares welcome! ps- there is a sick 1st place prize. for riggity.
Official Zoobomb race. This is the most important zoobomb of the year.
Minibikes – For the purpose of this event, a Minibike will be defined as having a child’s bike frame with unmodified geometry designed for 16″ or smaller wheels. A fork for 16″ or smaller wheels (doesn’t have to be the fork that came with the frame). Two wheels, each 16″ or smaller (no average wheel size allowance). Single speed.
Racecourse – Traditional starting line, Newbomb to Fountain, no Mad Max. The finish line will be a little different. We will eliminate the final left hand turn immediately before the finish. I know we’re cutting into the number of exciting wrecks, but I think it will allow for a more spectator friendly finish line. The finish line will be the leading edge of the crosswalk (shown in yellow), or wherever the tape is stretched across the road. If the tape is somehow not exactly at the leading edge of the crosswalk, the tape is the finish line.
Conduct – We want a clean race. No intentional contact, call your passes, no projectiles, no fireworks. There will be the traditional countdown at the start, and riders will leave at the word “Zoobomb!” Wear a helmet. Really. Additional protection is encouraged, as I’ve always found the asphalt to be abrasive and unforgiving.
There will be three races Sunday night. The first race will be Open Class, followed by Freakbike Class, then Minibike Class. Anyone not racing will be encouraged to bomb down ahead to spectate at the finish line or at one of the dangerous corners along the route. If you choose to stand at one of the corners, stay out of the road and keep the noise levels down, as we don’t want to piss off the local residents too much.
Prizes – There will be trophies, prizes, and eternal glory for the first three finishers. There will also be a special coasterbrake prize for the first finisher with a coasterbrake and no handbrake. If a coasterbrake finishes in the top three, the rider will get the prize for placing and the coasterbrake prize.
12:00am, Legoland
Nerds on Wheels |Beer Bungee | Ben Hur race
Award ceremony