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California here I come…

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward


…right back where I started from.

In a few hours I board a plane with my girls for a holiday trip to California. We’re headed to my mom’s house in the quaint, northern Orange County city of Cypress.

My parent’s house, where I spent my formative years, is at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburban subdivision. I haven’t been down there for two years so it will be interesting to return.

I’m looking forward to the trip and to seeing my mom, brothers, uncle, aunt, cousins, etc…

I plan to keep working and writing stories, but don’t be surprised if volume tapers off for the next few weeks. Thankfully, I’ve got a few people who I’m hoping can submit guest articles and track down news stories and photos if needed.

I also hope to get a taste of the burgeoning bike culture in neighboring Los Angeles. The Midnight Ridazz (several of whom I met on their recent visit to Portland) are going strong, and we’re meeting the guy who started a cool ride known as C.R.A.N.K. Mob.

Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled programming and some dispatches from the concrete jungle.

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