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I got flipped off by a cyclist today

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

New 10-foot bike lane on SE Madison-6
(File photo)

I had symbolic experience on my way into work today. Symbolic of a major barrier we (as people who use bicycles as our primary form of transportation) face in bringing the primarily motor-vehicle-driving public under our tent.

This barrier is some cyclist’s attitude toward traffic laws, and their response to other cyclists when that attitude is called out. Here’s what happened…

I was riding south down the hill from Mississippi Street and I had crossed one lane of N. Interstate Ave. I was on the MAX platform waiting for a chance to cross. A TriMet bus stopped and waved me through. I continued on down the road at then we both (me and the bus) stopped at a traffic light at the intersection of N. Albina and Interstate.

As we waited at the red light — swoosh — a cyclist blew by me. It was as if the signal didn’t even exist.

I yelled, “The light’s red buddy!”, and then watched as he whipped around and gave me the one-fingered salute.

Nice. Way to stay classy. I can only imagine what the bus driver, all his passengers, and the other folks stopped at that intersection thought.

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