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Bikes, art, and inspiration in my office

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Detail of Tiago’s painting.
(Full slideshow below)

A few weeks ago, I received an amazing gift. A friend of mine, Tiago DeJerk, completed an over life-sized stencil painting on one of the walls in my office.

If you’re a regular reader, you might remember Tiago. I’ve written about his paintings (he was Tiago Denczuk then), I took photos at his wedding on Mt. Tabor over the summer (which culminated with a glorious bike parade), and images of him dressed as “Pinga da Clown”, from his days as a clown at the Alberta Street Clown House, have graced many of my galleries over the years.

Lately, Tiago has been diving head-first into his art and exploring new mediums. One of his favorites is stenciling.

He worked for entire day to create this amazing stencil painting. Somehow, he kept straight a stack of individual stencil pieces that, when finished, created a perfectly unified, multi-layered and colored image. I had no idea stenciling could be done on such a large canvas (neither did Tiago, which is why he’s so psyched at how it turned out!).

And, completing the circle of inspiration (I know that sounds cheesy), Tiago’s images of a woman on a mini-bike and a silhouetted mountain-biker came from photos in my archives (see the originals here and here).

You can meet Tiago and see more of his work at BikeCraft III. For now, check out more photos of this magnificent painting and see Tiago in action in this slideshow:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Thanks Tiago!

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