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Share the love; ride with kids

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Buckman Elem. bike safety class
Who ever said bike
safety wasn’t fun?!
(Photos © Jonathan Maus)

If you’ve never volunteered to ride with kids as part of the BTA’s Bike Safety Education program, now is the time to step up. Or, if you’ve already done it, why not do it again?

The BTA needs volunteers to ride with students on their graduation bike rides. All you’ve got to do is show up, model proper riding techniques, and be supportive and enthusiastic (an instructor will also be present).

I’ve done this several times and it always reminds me that bikes are fun, kids are silly, and that it’s imperative to teach young folks how to be safe and smart cyclists.

If you can spare a few hours out of your day, I highly recommend helping out. Here are the schools and dates they need volunteers for:

BTA staffer Gregg Lavender says, “There are also some after-school opportunities with a program called Pedal Power. These are groups of 15 kids for two hours, the rides are a bit more ambitious. They are usually from 3-5 in the afternoon (or close to that time) so these may work better for you.”

Pedal Power classes are at Sunnyside School (in Southeast) on October 18, 23, and 25th.

For more information, or to sign up for a slot, contact Gregg at or (503) 226-0676 x20.

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