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SE Bikepool

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bikepool: SE to Downtown!

New bicyclist? Old bicyclist? Special Bike Commute Challenge SE Pdx bikepool to downtown ahoy!

* Meet from 7:30am
* Ride at 8:00am, arriving downtown by 8:30am
* Common Grounds coffee shop, SE 43rd & Hawthorne.

Free awesomeness –
* neighbourhood bike & walk maps
* bikey information & advice
* bikey stickers
* chocolate cupcakes, hurrah

Sponsored By Submitter/Independent Organizer
When: Wednesday, 9/19/2007, 07:30 AM
Event Location: Common Grounds coffee shop, SE 43rd & Hawthorne.
Contact: Kirsty Hall
Contact E-Mail:
Contact Phone: 503-823-6981
Event Status: On-Schedule
Type of Ride? Group Ride – Group(s) stay together for the duration of the ride

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