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BTA Benefit Night

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BTA Benefit Night!

On Tuesday, Sept. 18,, starting at 5 p.m., half of all proceeds at
McMenamin’s Market Street Pub (1526 SW 10th Ave, near PSU) will go to
benefit the BTA.

So make it a “double-plus-good” bike night: Swing by the Market St.
McMenamins at 5 p.m., get a beer and maybe something to eat, then head
over to the Central Library at 6:30 p.m. (Or, conversely, go to the
Bike Zinester reading first, then head over to the BTA benefit at
Market St. McMenamins afterward. Either way, it’s a win-win!

Sponsored By Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA)
When: Tuesday, 9/18/2007, 05:00 PM
Event Location: McMenamin’s Market Street Pub (1526 SW 10th Ave, near PSU)
Contact: Curt Dewees
Contact E-Mail:
Contact Phone:
Event Status: On-Schedule
Type of Ride? Group Ride – Group(s) stay together for the duration of the ride

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