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Day 6: Rolling through a Scenic Byway

Cycle Oregon Day 6 -17.JPG
Dropping into the forest.
View slideshow below

The Cycle Oregon folks called today’s ride “the Magic Carpet Ride” and I can’t think of a better way to put it.

Last night in the beer garden I talked about scenic byways with the founder of Cycle Oregon, Jonathan Nicholas. Jonathan and I agreed that the future of bicycling in Oregon is to designate a network of backroads as official Scenic Bikeways. It’s an exciting possibility that will not only provide an amazing recreational opportunity, but will give an economic boost to many small towns throughout the state.

Today, we rode on a Scenic Byway. Our 65 mile route took us from Oakridge to Rainbow via Aufderheide Memorial Drive.

Tonight is our last night of camping, and we have a special night time event: the Bike Rodeo. Stay tuned for photos of Bike Gallery mechanics trying to kill themselves on their bikes. There will be bike limbo, bike derby, and more.

For now, check out my slideshow from today’s ride…

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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