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Meet the Team Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Official Website

Curious about racing but not sure who to ask?

Wondering about that team you see out on weekends?

Considering joining a team but not sure which one?

Please join local teams for a fall series of Meet the Team rides.� Come to one or come to them all.� Get all your burning questions answered and enjoy a fun ride with a rotating group of friendly people who share your passion for cycling.

Here’s how it works.

Each team sponsors a ride according to the schedule below. All rides start at Kettleman Bagels and Bakery at 9:00am and travel the “Oregon City” route, a 35 mile loop at approximately 15-17 mph.� There is a strict “no-drop” policy.� Please carry a spare tube, a pump or inflator, food, water, and weather-appropriate gear (such as extra gloves, or a light jacket).

Please check the OBRA website tor the final schedule after August 20th.� Hope to see you there!
Event Location: Kettleman Bagels and Bakery
Directions: Google Map To Kettleman Bagels and Bakery
Contact: Sirikit Valentin
Contact E-Mail:
Contact Phone:
Events Status: On-Schedule
Average Pace: 14-16 MPH – Moderate pace.
Distance: 35

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