A year ago, I shared a video about Copenhagen that I said, “perfectly illustrates the goals and visions that Portland’s bike advocates are striving for.”
This morning I came across yet another bit of visual inspiration from the “City of Cyclists”; it’s a photo-blog called Cycle Chic – Copenhagen Girls on Bikes.
Here’s how the blog’s creator — film director and photographer Mikael Colville-Andersen — describes it:
“It’s about bicycle culture in Copenhagen, Denmark. 35% of the population – 550,000 people – ride their bike to work or school each day. Bicycles are such an integral part of our culture and there are many aesthetic aspects on the streets at any given moment.
Perhaps we can inspire people in other countries to commute by bicycle or lobby for better bike conditions in their cities by providing a portrait of a city that lives and breathes bikes.”
I love it: use sexy cyclists to sell cycling. If this works anywhere, it should work in America.
Colville-Andersen also has an amazing Flickr photoset of Copenhagen bike scenes and a blog that chronicles the beauty of his stylish city where bicycles are “just a way of life.”

We may not have 35% of our population riding bikes, but Portland’s got plenty of sexy and stylish bike scenes unfolding on our streets “at any given moment.” I’ll dig through my photo archives and see what I can find.
In the meantime, do your part for the bicycle movement…. stay sexy!
[Via Velorution]