It’s been a long time since I mentioned my stickers and I’ve still got a few stacks of them sitting here in my office, so I figured a little sale was in order.
You might have seen them around town and now’s your chance to join the cool kids and adorn your bike (or car, or a stop sign) with a sticker for the amazing price of 3 for $1!
They’re printed locally, sized to fit bike fenders (4.75″ x 1.5″) and I’ve got three designs to choose from:
To get yours, just send cash, check, or money order with a self addressed stamped envelope to:
Pedaltown Media Inc.
833 SE Main Street, Box #402
Portland, OR 97215
Or, if you don’t want a sticker, you can just send the money, or a nice note, or whatever.
And be sure to mention which ones you’d like (if you don’t like any of these, buy some anyways so I can save up and make some different ones).
Operators are standing by.