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Helmet debate rages in Portland Bike Forums

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Danica (my almost 2 year-old)
wears a helmet because
she does stunts.

Leave it to the age-old helmet debate to smash the record for most replies in the Portland Bike Forums.

Irked by the, “soooooo many people every day riding without a care in the world when their brains could be splattered across the pavement at any time!,” a member named “ephany” decided to start a thread titled, “Why don’t you wear a helmet?

So far there are 83 replies and more keep trickling in every day.

Here’s a sampling,

from “wsbob”:

“…cyclists chances of coming out of a fall or crash in better condition while wearing a helmet seem likely to be far better than without one…”

from “tfahrner”:

“…I don’t wear a helmet often because I don’t believe that non-sport-oriented bicycling on quiet routes about town is sufficiently dangerous to warrant such precautionary measures. I am particularly averse to instilling or reinforcing in the minds of others the ideas that (a) bicycling thus conceived is dangerous enough to require body armor and (b) any dangers that exist in public space are the responsibility of the potential victims to compensate for…”

from “aaron”:

“..if there is going to be a helmet law, then the helmets should be made better and car drivers and passengers should also be required to wear them too…”

Check out the the full thread for more.

This isn’t the last we’ve heard of this debate. Our neighbors in Vancouver (WA) are gearing up for a battle royale and they’ve got momentum to pass a helmet law for kids.

[By the way, if you haven’t checked out the Forums lately, you should. Activity is way up and we’ve got well over 400 active members posting information and sharing advice on all sorts of stuff.]

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