I just returned from a much-needed mini-vacation to the coast (Fort Stevens to be exact, more photos and story later).
Looks like there was tons of bike action while I was gone.
Big crowds and large fields were reported at the Alpenrose Velodrome Challenge track race. Here’s a recap of Day 1 and the Oregonian has a story in their Sports section today on one of the racers, Jenn Wangerin.
Saturday night was The Night Ride and from the looks of Dat Nguyen’s great photos, a huge, costumed crowd really got into the spirit.
And finally, while I was camping, I got a distressed call saying a Vanilla track bike had been stolen off a MAX train. By the time I got home, the bike had been found!
So how did your weekend go? Did you do the Night Ride? Or perhaps you took your own bike adventure. Fill us in!