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How was your weekend?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Family ride Portland spring
Eleni (4) watches the
sunset from her trail-a-bike.

We had all sorts of weather this weekend; crisp breezes, warm sun, stormy skies, and even some torrential rain. I hope you got a chance to get some riding in.

On Saturday, messengers held some “Tests of Strength” and artist and Bike Haiku stationery maker Carye Bye did one of her famous museum-by-bike rides.

I explored Rocky Butte Nature Park for the first time. My girls and I had a great hike through meadows and mini-forests and I saw a few mountain bikers enjoying the trails.

Later that day, we all rode to a friend’s house for an Easter get together. Someone showed up on a bakfiets and I found it appropriately parked near some blooming tulips…

On Sunday, Bikes to Rwanda had a fund raising dinner. Anyone care to offer a report on that?

The girls and I spent the day doing yard work, except for a few minute break when I walked Eleni (my 4 year-old) to the corner and back on her “two-wheeler” bike. She steered the whole way by herself for the first time!

I love Spring in Portland. The streets are covered with flower petals and kids join birds in singing songs of the season…

Family ride Portland spring
Eleni’s cycling attire consists
of a pink tutu and sparkly red shoes.
Family ride Portland spring

How was your weekend? We’d love to hear about your adventures…

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