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How was your weekend?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Midnight Mystery Ride - January
The Midnight Mystery Ride began at the
Night Hawk in North Portland.
(View my entire gallery here).

Despite downright frigid temps, there was still a lot of good biking to be had over the weekend. Hey, at least the sun was shining.

My weekend got started on Friday night, when I joined about 60 other people for this month’s Midnight Mystery Ride, which was done in remembrance of veteran MMR lover Ali Al-Salman. You can check out my photo gallery and don’t miss this report from budding bike blogger Tom Rolf.

Then on Saturday, there was a bike move planned. I didn’t make it to that, but it sounded like fun. I saw a few bits of snow falling right about the time it should have been happening…would that make it the first-ever bike move in the snow? If you were there, let us know how it went.

Midnight Mystery Ride - January
Timo and Wes led us in one of
Ali’s songs during the
Midnight Mystery Ride.

Then of course there was a Zoobomb. Did anyone join them? I hope there wasn’t any black ice up there.

Checking my daily list of local bike blogs, I notice that local cyclist Mark Johnson took a nice spin around Tualitin Hills Nature Park in Beaverton and also explored the Fanno Creek Trail (which I’ve still never ridden on, but I’ve heard is fantastic).

How was your weekend? Did you ride? Or did you stay inside, tucked under a thick, warm blanket? Feel free to share your adventures…

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