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How was your weekend (10-16-06)?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Pier Skate/BMX park opening day
[Pier Park now open!]

The rain may have started, but I know that doesn’t stop most of you from getting on your bikes.

I heard over 150 people joined the Midnight Mystery Ride Friday night. Did you go? I’ve only been to one of those, but I always like hearing about them. I noticed Dat has already uploaded some photos.

On Saturday I checked out the big grand opening of the new Pier Park Skateboard and BMX park. It was a great scene. Lots of people, dignitaries, and of course some amazing riding (my report coming soon).

Did anyone do the River City fixed-gear ride or how about the Africa Women’s Bicycle Initiative fundraiser at the Mississippi Pizza Pub?

Yesterday I made it out to my first ‘cross race of the year. It was the Cross Crusade #2 at Hillsboro Stadium. I didn’t race, but I still managed to get pretty dirty and tired running around in the mud. I shot over 600 photos and I’ll have a report coming soon.

So what about you? Did you get on your bike this weekend? Care to share your exploits?

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