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How was your weekend (10-09-06)?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Downtown Portland bike scenes

How was your weekend?

I had some family in town, so about the only two-wheeled action I had was a walk around downtown. I had my camera so I snapped a few shots of the new Zoobomb pile, the bikes outside of Powell’s and this neat shot of a pink and blue bike and matching chalk outside of PNCA.

Despite the end of summer, there was still a lot of bike action to be had.

I heard that 5-600 people showed up for the Harvest Century, the last big organized ride of the year (sniff, sniff).

And then there was cyclocross. A race out at Barlow High in Gresham gave some racers their first taste of mud all year. I ran into PSU’s Kevin Hedahl after the race and he said it was a challenging course, with one muddy, railroad tie run-up that he could hardly make it over.

Kevin also said that about 60 people showed up for the PSU Cycling Club’s free screening of Pure Sweet Hell.

Eugene hosted two big events over the weekend; the Fox Hollow ‘Cross Race and a biking and walking summit. Did anyone make it down south for either of those?

Other events included the World Exotica Dance Party, a volunteer day at the BTA and of course the weekly Zoobomb.

Feel free to share your weekend adventures…links to your photos, websites and blogs are encouraged.

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