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Happy Birthday Danica!

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Today we’re having a party for my daughter Danica. It’s hard to believe but she turned one year-old last week. Since I announced her birth and her first-ever bike ride on this site, I thought I’d share a few photos of her first bikey year.

Here’s Danica and her sister Eleni crashed out in the trailer with the Fremont bridge in the background.

weekend family ride

And here she is with Juli on the Springwater Corridor Trail coming home from Earth Day,

Bikes at Earth Day

I snapped this shot at Alberta Park while we watched some bike polo,

Danica at Alberta Park

And before she was happy in the baby seat and trailer, Juli would carry her like this (look closely at the bump on Juli’s belly),

family ride to Jantzen Beach

And just last week, here’s a couple shots of Danica enjoying her first ever Bridge Pedal!

Danica at Bridge Pedal Danica on top of Fremont bridge

With my 3.5 year old just about to start riding a tag-along bike and Danica now much more comfortable on long rides, I’m really looking forward to the coming year.

By the way, there’s a backyard birthday party this afternoon at my house. If you know where I live, you’re welcome to stop by!

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