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Stolen: Black/red Redline

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Posted by username “philevans”]

2005 Redline Conquest. 54cm. Black and red. Stolen in February during rush hour club traffic while locked on the rack in front of 24 Hour Fitness in the Pearl. Most unique feature is that the seat post has the receiving end of a child’s tag-a-long fixture.

After noticing on this list that at least 2 other bikes have been stolen from that exact location within one month, I have complained to club mangement about their need to upgrade security features. The staff that I have spoke to appear unaware of this, despite the fact that the real number of stolen bikes from there must be higher than the three listed here! My third request to speak with a manager has yet to be answered.

I encourage other members who have been victimized at this club to contact management and demand better security at this facility!!!

Phil Evans


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